Power of Positive Thinking and A Blueberry Muffin

Each morning I start with my coffee and oat milk (lots of) and a frozen blueberry muffin. I lather my lil’ toasted muffin with lots of butter 🙂 the good stuff!

The funny thing is the little muffin is my biggest unknown of the morning – how many blueberries will be there once I cut it open. Believe me, it’s a big moment! Once there was only one blueberry! What a big disappointment.

It actually had me pause and think is this how my day is going to go? Haha right, silly me!

So here’s January 2021, me thinking the same thing, what’s this year going to be like after 2020?

To myself, I said it’s gotta be better! And I’m going to do everything in my power to make it better with my business and life.

I spent the first month of the year watching a lot of Facebook live videos and youtube videos on how to do this and that. My goal was to figure out how to secure business.

I ended up settling on a 10-month business course geared towards design agencies. I figured well after 18 years on my own there’s bound to be more to learn, right? And sure I would find time to fit it all in – after all plenty of my friends have gotten their master’s degrees while raising a family and a full-time job.

Flash forward to June. I’m in a really good place with my business for the year and have actually been crazy busy.

Every time I do this I end up with plenty of work and no time for the course. Now don’t take this as a brag. But rather my point is when you put yourself out there and say I’m ready for something bigger, it happens.

It wasn’t just the course. I also invested in a new SEO platform to expand my business. And even more beneficial I joined a mentor group of four other amazing businesswomen.

If you are feeling stuck, try putting yourself out there or pulling together a group of people you know you can count on and will help you to succeed with positive intentions.